Sunday, December 19, 2010

Ellie's 1st Birthday Party

When Jesse and I finally started trying for a baby, there was one month we wanted to avoid having a baby - December! But, God laughed at our planning ways and BOOM - I'm pregnant and due December 26th! Luckily, I had her a week early, but I knew that we would need to make her birthday extra special and separate from Christmas. I've seen other people with birthdays around Christmas and their biggest complaint is always having their birthday lumped in with Christmas and not having their own special day. Some may think I did a lot for Ellie's 1st birthday, but I wanted to create a fun, themed party for her where her family and our close friends could come and celebrate her becoming a toddler. When planning her party, there was only one theme that I could think of that I knew she would love - KITTY CATS!! We had all the kids put on their kitty faces and eat Kitty Snacks (PB&J's), Meow (Chex) Mix, Fishies (goldfish), and Jello Kitties (Jigglers in cat shapes). We even used a kitten calendar from the dollar store to decorate the house with the pictures - Ellie loved those! Another detail was the most time consuming - the cake! A few years back, I took Wilton cake decorating classes so I could make my children's birthday cakes. After lots of planning, baking and making lots of icing, her cat cake was finished and turned out great - mission accomplished! Ellie got some great new toys that are age appropriate (finally!!) and she got to eat her first piece of true sugar - the ear of the cat! Some kids choose to play in it or smear it on their face and everywhere else, but my baby girl ate it like a finger food and took bites of it, making sure to get all the crumbs! HA! We sent all the kids home with their own "kitty treats" to thank them for coming. Overall, the party was a huge success and a good excuse to get everyone together under the same roof! She is so blessed to have so many people love and celebrate her!

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