Thursday, March 4, 2010

Goodbye 20's, Hello 30's!

I figured that I would make a list of my accomplishments in my 20's so that I can feel better about turning 30 today. So, here we go:
  1. Turned 21 and rode a motorcycle for my "crazy" celebration.
  2. Studied abroad in England and traveled to Ireland and France while there.
  3. Got my Bachelors degree from Carson-Newman College.
  4. Got my first job at Providence Church.
  5. Moved out own my own and became financially independent of my parents.
  6. Got another job at EdFinancial.
  7. Met a boy, fell in love, got married!
  8. Got my Masters degree from University of Tennessee - Knoxville (GO VOLS)!
  9. Got my first job in a career I actually like at UTK.
  10. Moved for the Army to hang out with my hubby.
  11. Got another job at Austin Peay State University.
  12. Traveled to France, Italy for a "last hurrah before kids" trip with Jesse.
  13. Experienced pregnancy with our first child.
  14. Traveled to Dominican Republic for a relaxing vacation before the baby came.
  15. Had a baby.
  16. Became a stay-at-home mom!

So, I would have to say after making that list that my 20's were pretty successful. I am truly blessed and I thank God for letting me do all of those things. We'll see what happens in my 30's - I hope I can top this list!

1 comment:

Claire said...

Woohoo! Sounds like it was a great decade. Can't wait to see what the next one holds!


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