Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Most Heartbreaking Thing (So Far...)

Shots. I hate them for me. But man, I hate them for Ellie! It is miserable to watch her get her shots and then the aftermath of it for the next 24-36 hours. Her little legs ache, she is irritable, she is sore, and a little out of it. She got her 2nd round of shots this week for her 4 month check-up and her dad got to see it this time. He couldn't put her down for the next 45 minutes because it was so sad. She took them like a champ and I will have to say that it is harder on me than it is on her, but BOO on shots, every one!

1 comment:

Kristi Redding said...

I know! Carver had his 4 month shots this week too. I hate them. Carver is 16 lbs and 25 1/2 inches-- crazy! Love this sweet picture of Ellie :)


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