Tuesday, January 19, 2010

1 Month Old!!

Can you believe it?! Ellie is already 1 month old. She is doing great - weighing over 9lbs now and nursing like a champ. We are now in the stage of working with her on getting her days and nights figured out and she is doing much better. Her afternoons and early evenings usually consist of a tantrum or two because we are keeping her awake, but she is always much better once she is fed. I am working with her to feed quicker because she was taking her precious time and now she spits up more due to too much milk. She's getting better and I'm figuring out what to watch for so it's a learning process every day! I am feeling a little bit more confident as a mom, but not out in public yet - HA! We took our first trip to Knoxville this past weekend to introduce her to our friends and some of Jesse's family and it was a success! Jesse's family was great in taking her off our hands for a bit and letting us get some sleep. She really enjoyed them all so it was a nice break. She also went to church for the first time and slept through the entire service, only squeaking a little here and there. :) She is gaining more and more neck control and we are working on getting her in to that crib for longer periods of time. I thought I would share a few pictures of her that have been taken recently so everyone can see how she changes over time. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Tiffany Simmons said...

She is such a doll!


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers