About 3 weeks ago, I started itching more than the usual pregnancy belly - the palms of my hands and feet drove me nuts! Then, my legs and inner arms started itching as well. So, I mentioned it to my doctor at my 34 week check up and she decided to draw some blood and do some tests. Come to find out, I have Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP) which means elevated bile levels in my liver. The extra bile salts are accumlating in my skin and cause the crazy itching. ICP has pretty much guaranteed me to have Ellie early, either on my own or by induction. I got this news on Tuesday and it really upset me. It's crazy - I never have health problems so to hear that an organ in my body wasn't working quite right and could be a danger to the baby really took me off guard. It will all go away after I give birth, but it still was shocking to hear something was wrong. Because of this diagnosis, I am having to have a Nonstress Test (NST) test done two times a week as well as a check-up with my doctor every week until Ellie arrives. At 36 weeks, I am already 1 cm dilated but I've been told that doesn't mean a bunch right now. My doctor wants to try to get me to 38 weeks and then if I haven't gone on my own, then she will induce, but I would much rather go on my own. The only catch with that is that I have 2 more weeks of work left and it would mean I would have her before I technically resigned from Austin Peay -EAK! Also, it means she would be here sooner than I expected and as a future new mom, it freaks me out a bit. Not only do I have to give labor to a baby for the first time, but I will also be a parent! The reality of the situation has really started to sink in to Jesse and I. So, I ask you to please pray for mine and Ellie's health and for a safe, happy labor whenever that might be. We will keep everyone posted as much as we can!