I have finally decided to start my own blog, after being motivated by my husband to document my experience as an Army wife. We are already a year into this contract and it has been quite a roller coaster ride! Jesse (my husband) decided to put a hold on his PhD at UTK for the opportunity to be an officer in the Army. It has made us make a lot of changes in our family, but most have been for the good. As of right now, we are at Ft. Campbell, KY for the next few years. Jesse actually will be leaving soon to join his unit in Iraq for about 7 months to finish out their deployment. Here is a quick timeline of what we have been through since April 2007:
--Basic Training - Ft. Jackson, SC (April -June)
--Officer Training School - Ft. Benning, GA (June - September)
--Basic Officer Leadership Course II - Ft. Benning, GA (October - December)
--Ordnance Officer Basic Course - Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD (January - April)
--PCS move to Ft. Campbell (May - present)
I didn't join up with Jesse until his training in Maryland, so until then I kept my job at UTK to keep me busy. We had a blast while living in Maryland full of travelling and crab galore! We were able to spend lots of quality time together, which was much needed after living apart for quite some time. Now, we are settled at our new home on base and we are getting used to the area.
We are very happy living here - everyone is welcome to come visit our new home!!