Saturday, February 21, 2009


For work, I had to take some students down to Nashville's Opryland Resort & Convention Center to attend the National Association of Campus Activities (NACA) National Conference. Unfortunately, it happened to fall on February 14th - 17th. Yep, I had to work on Saturday - Valentines Day - and Sunday. Thankfully, my boss gave me some comp time off earlier that week, but fun working on the weekends.

The conference was not a painful one to attend - it actually was pretty fun. I had some professional development sessions mixed in, which most of them were very helpful on giving me pointers on how to improve my job, but most of the time was spent going to showcases where comedians, musicians, actors and dancers would perform with hopes of us booking them at our schools. I got to see some amazing comedians and a band or two that were actually pretty good. Most of the talent is more affordable for college budgets so we only saw a few bands that already had a name for themselves - our favorite being the Zak Brown Band. I really enjoyed many of the comedians, especially the ones that had clean routines and were still hilarious. The funniest ones were actually women, mainly from the NBC Diversity Tour (Michelle Buteau, Tracey Ashley, Erin Jackson, Kristin Key, etc).

Overall, it was very productive for me to attend, but about a day too long. It was a tiring schedule, like most conferences. Hopefully, I can implement some of the things I learned from this experience into my position and programming board back at APSU. Wish me luck!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A surprise valentine for me!

Yesterday, I had a long day of work. When I got home after 8pm, I walked in to find a surprise waiting for me on the dining room table - tulip plants and a valentine from my husband! It was such a sweet gift from him - I can plant them here at the house for the Spring! Apparently, the local Christian radio station here was telling men that women like to get flowers they can keep (which is SO true for me - very practical). Nicely done, Jesse! I am blessed to have you as my Valentine!

Monday, February 2, 2009

He Can See!!!!!!!!!!!!

My hubby, Jesse just got PRK (corrective eye surgery) done this morning on his eyes and he can see!!!! The next few days are going to be ROUGH for him as his eyes adjust and heal, but this has been a dream of his to get this surgery so we are thrilled! PLUS, he got it done for FREE (thanks, Army)!!! Please pray for Jesse's eyes to heal quickly and for him not to feel too much pain. He's pretty much stuck here in the house for the next few days so hopefully he will not go too stir crazy and get a lot of rest.


Lilypie Third Birthday tickers